UpdraftPlus,可能是 wordpress 上最好的备份还原插件。

正赶上刚刚发现 UpdraftPlus 1.11.1 – 10/Aug/2015 更新,窝也用了好一会儿了,感觉挺不错的,就在这里推荐一下。

UpdraftPlus 支持数据库和文件定时/手动备份到本地/云端。云端支持 Dropbox, Amazon S3,Google Drive,FTP,Microsoft OneDrive,SCP, Email 等等,并支持一键还原,具体特性列表请自行阅读插件详情页

Top-quality: UpdraftPlus is the highest-ranking backup plugin on wordpress.org (ranks in the top 40 out of over 30,000 WordPress plugins for quality on rankwp.com).

Over half a million currently active installs: widely tested and reliable (over 2.6 million downloads). The #1 most installed scheduled backup plugin, according to wordpress.org. Millions of backups completed!
